i am also talking about the download limit here. hence "unlimited".
isp cut down speed and volume lately because they pay for every single bit as well. and flatrates are expensive if users really use them.

there is also a small difference between sending and handling a few bit large package like in counterstrike and a several megabyte large one when sending images.

nonetheless its plain useless when it comes to piracy. its easier to handle pirates with systems like steam and server checks. no need to calculate that stuff, just check the lizense.

the only big benefit is that you dont need gaming computers at home anymore.

as for the "it works" phenomenon. first you dont know their set up.
second, ever tried to manage more then 1000 users at the same time on one server...tricky wink
also you dont need only to have the server next your door but also the renderfarm for the games itself..... might get expensive.

the myth that it will be cheaper only works for people playing less then 2 hours a month. they wont need to by a pc or console and still can play.... doesnt pay off for the provider.
the hardcore gamer on the other hand will realize that pay per view might be more expensive then some new hard and software from time to time wink

as said, nice add one for remote work and for sure a future part of computers but not like they think. i wouldnt invest my money into that company.

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