Originally Posted By: the_clown
The thing about the random ways to solve the missions sounds good. Maybe you could post a bit more about the story and the setting.

unedited info straight from the design doc:

When 'name removed' learns that their planet is nearing
extinction due to low resources, their leader sends crafts
on a peaceful search for a host planet but when the captain
places his own beliefs above his orders the 'name removed'
find themselves in human territory and after a mid-space
assault, suffer tremendous damage and the decision is made
to go against their laws and execute planet capturing
techniques on the planet.

Join 'characters names removed' through HUGE non-scripted
battles with a weapons and vehicle system specially built
to keep it simple, fun and submittable to change and witness never before seen actions,scenery and objects exclusive to the game.

as you can see, this might be a little far shot, i've heard over and over again, that no1 will make a triple A game with 3dgs... but if i've already coded better gameplay that alot of 'great' games then i dont see it being so impossible at this moment..
i'm not aiming AAA anyways, i just want to bring across my story and gameplay, i'm particularly fond of the story as i think its a different approach, i'm trying to access emotions such as sadness... but i have alot of work to do in all fields so i dont want to make any statements as yet

Last edited by darkinferno; 05/12/09 12:36.