-thanks for the offfer, i know alot of us are busy so i'm not expecting these anytime soon smile if you chose not to read all of this, just click the picture links to see the style we're aiming for then read the last few lines..

-am not much of a concept artist, and my design doc was ruined but i do remember the style of the game...

this is directly from another part of the design doc am recreating:

Click to reveal..

Scion's overall worlds appearance are seperated into two

-the main theme of this planet is a stark blue atmosphere
with constant lightning storms and fogs.

-above this chaotic layer however is a beautiful atmosphere
with two bright suns.

-scion's buildings are made of mainly a thick blue heavy
looking metal and are also built above ground to escape
vicious creatures and the electrocuting water except for
the slums in which most unwealthy scion citizens live.

-scion also consists of HUGE machinery trying to sustain
the planets life such as huge pumps lightning rods etc.

-scion's main overseer building is a mountain stronghold
with a huge bridge built to restrict entrants to the

Earth-main city
-the main city was created by the rich for the rich and is
a well guarded and stylized location protected by the
colonial army

-buildings, vehicles and weapons are mainly of a
light-colored or white curvy design

scion's dwellers are doglike in appearance, tall an armored in heavy metal similar to what's seen on the planet while still maintaining a simple yet aggressive look, scions are a spiritual race...

for game design reasons, all characters should be of a wider body set and weapons are rather big (one weapon across back should be big enough to be noticed at all times by the player(check vid)) and armors for human characters all posses a switchblade that flips around when needed(used for melee(check vid))

all designs must be kept simple so a personality can be attached to each item... meaning, they are simple and effective that they will always be remembered, example: halo's pistol in comparison with halflife 2's pistol.. i'd like to think people would be quicker to remember halo's pistol design because its more far off yet not complicated while halflife's pistol looks similar to a majority

character style
texture style
building concept
building interior
vehicle style

thie one as nothing to do with concept but i thought the shoulder pads were cool smile

with that said, if their are any modelers or artists here that can draw or model and would like to help draw concepts or model the characters, leave a reply and help make this project a reality...

i am however aware of the scale of this project and the inability to create it without a team but if i could get the characters and props ready i could implement the current gameplay scripts into a quick arena shooter with a few maps and release that while work is done on the main project... smile...

Last edited by darkinferno; 05/16/09 12:24.