Reinstall older or newer graphics cards drivers would more likely help than reinstalling Windows. I bet it's a driver problem. Or in the worst case a graphics card problem.

What's a bit curious is that your WED should have the same problems then. I would really suggest to have a look to get MED back working. You may need it at characters here and there.

Anyways. Ventilator made a mdl 7 export script for Blender. Can be found here. Scroll down to nearly the end:

Ultimate Unwrap 3D can export to MDL5. Fragmotion can export to MDL 3,4,5 and 7, that's at least what you can read in the export features. But that is not meant to export level geometry. And you need to import the graphics first too. And that's basically it. At least from what i know.

Please dont say MDL Export or MDl2 Export! Both are damaging my models extremly hard frown

Please don't mix mdl and mdl 2 with mdl 3/4/5/7 from Gamestudio. These are different file formats. Cannot remember what mdl and mdl2 was at the moment. Wasn't that the Quake file format?

Damaging is relative. Missing textures can for example also be a user error. Or a wrong setting while export. Or the wrong format. As told above, there is mdl 3,4,5 and 7 for Gamestudio.

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