Thanks guys!

See the images below to see a few more ratings for the product:

So, don't let the shareware method of distribution turn anybody off. This game is different than most other christian titles, because it has a downloadable demo for free! Mostly all of the other christian titles have to be bought by CD in a store. Well, that's fine for us, but what about the poor kid in South America, China, or elsewhere? They might be poor, but they would enjoy it just the same.

Instead of aggressively looking for a publisher or distributor, I chose this method for distribution for a reason.

Try going to a local bar or tavern and talk about God there and you might get booted out of the building! Yet, make a quality product that talks about God and market it as free shareware to the mainstream world and they like it!

Recently though, I've been in contact with a distributor that is interested in selling it to the christian bookstores.

Cougar Interactive