Hehe, well guys...

Sales are absolutely terrible! Here is a breakdown of all the sales of the game so far.

#1 Peter C. <in this thread> - said his kids liked it
#2 Jayne from the U.K. - said her kids liked it
#3 lady here at work bought 2 copies

Well friends! THAT'S IT!!!

So, in an effort to boost sales, I've just lowered the price of it down to $13.99

I was thinking that I had to boost sales somehow, so that the free download on the web-site could pay for itself. I consider that free download a measure of success and it has had about 15 gig in downloads in the past 2 weeks.

So, if anybody here is ever thinking of making money in the shareware world, then I'd advise against it. I'm getting a lot of downloads, but hardly any sales. There's just no money in shareware anymore! I made more money in the 1993 release of "Sunday School Colors", than this 3d title makes.

Hey, at least kids all over the world are getting a FREE download right?! No matter if they are rich or poor, they are having fun! Is this success? Yeah! You bet!!!
No other 3d christian title offers this...

@ Iceland
If the graphics are that bad, then why the awards for it? <see below>

There are more awards than this. Hey, It can't be all that bad for all the awards right?
These awards are not christian either, but are just regular websites offering game downloads!
Funny huh?!

Cougar Interactive
