Congradulations Ran Man !!
I made a Freeware Game in 1995 called "Saul of Tarsus" and it was the old flat screen with flat characters and objects and homes, etc., but the kids in school loved it and even the adults could not stop playing it.
It was written in old BASIC style language and I had to "paint" 88 screens. Each screen was a place for Paul to travel.
The game started outside Jerusalem at the site Stephen was stoned. It started with him being stoned and ended with Paul and Barnabas getting on the ship and starting on their first missionary journey.
It was fun making and everybody enjoyed it.

Keep programming games.
P.S. Currently I am working on finishing "Spiritual Warfare" with 3DGS ver 5 Commercial. I bought 6, but tried to update the game to that and it keeps having errors.
I do have a few different DEMOS done. 1 is 3 levels, and another is 7 levels.
But I think 7 levels for a DEMO is too much now. I mean, it takes me over 30 minutes to go through them and I made the thing. Imagine a new person playing it. It would be like playing a whole game. By the by, it will have 25 levels when done.
Gotta run, again Congrats to you.