Hi Ran,

Rome was not built in a Day. Marketing is critical even for sharware.

Get out there and start getting free promotion. Use Christian sites, Chrisitan Catalog companies, Christian Schools, tell them about your game get them to talk about with there members, then you start to see sales.

Finishing the game is just the start, marketing and promotion have to kick in. Since you are the publisher you are going to have to promote your game yourself.

Garage Games sells games on it site. It would be a hoot to see a 3DGS game for sale there.

I hope Rhinosoft and you have worked out a deal to get the game into the Christian Book stores. I think they have 1500 spinner racks.

Spend a couple of hours a week marketing your game, then you will see more sales.

Is there an award from Christian game reviewers, CGDC, you need some of those awards and reviews.

The search for Noah with satelites is hot right now. Can you get hooked into those articles.

Oh Well enough blithering, Ran, great work, once you are rested put on the marketing hat and find markets for your game.
