Hi Ran,

I would be really interested in seeing a teachers guide developed for the game. I would like to give it to the Sunday School at my church.

Heres a marketing plan for you. Offer a free CD and teachers guide to Sunday Schools and Christian Schools, Noah is OT so it will be of interest for the Jewish religon, time to go visit some temples to. Eventually it will get exposed to a classroomn full of kids and then you will start to get some marketing momentuem.

Talk to your local newspaper maybe they could write an article about you gifting the Churchs your game. You could then sell it to families that want it at home. A little self promotion will go a long way.

I agree with Dan about getting more out of 3DGS frame rate wise. The problem is it takes hard work, some extra tech / art knowlege, and TIME to try different things. This is part of the balance an indie developer has to contend with. Should I tweak my game play or should I tweak the level so I can get more frames per second. When you have a team working on the project there are hands enough to cover both, as an indie you have to pick which is most important to you. Or double your development time.

Part of what would be valuable to 3DGS users in the future would be ways inside of the engine that speed up things that do not take special knowlege. JCL and team are working on improving the performace along with adding features, maybe they could brainstrom a few ways to offer even more performace automatically.

Ran put some of that great engery into promoting your game to audiences that would welcome it. Cold calling or Dialing for Dollars as I call it needs to be something your get started on.

Last thing, your game looks a heck of a lot better than Deer Hunter and look at how many Deer Hunter games have been sold. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, now you have to convince the public to part with 14 bucks to buy the game. Promoting the game will be just as hard as making the game, but I am sure you are up to the task.
