It evolves at the wrong ends since years

Well , Blender evolves in the best direction possible in fact smile
It as retopology paint : not all tools have that, normal mapping from higt mesh to low generation , sculpting etc ...
For a free tool : it's outstanding.

I recognise, use it ask you to follow all tutorials you can find. I don't use any shortcuts, only the buttons of interface.
The only key shortuts i use are :
Extrude, Loop Select and Loop Cut , the rest i use context menu or buttons.
The problem is that the menu is confusing, after years using it, i even sometimes search how to bring back the UV menu smile

But it has all yu need and even more.

Now i use Silo for the modeling phase , with a pen tablet , and some good shortcuts (select and cut loop) you modelise at incredible speed !
For 99 or 150$ it's a relly valuable tool also.