Gamespace was a very special chapter. Caligari tried to do too much at once at that time. And forgot to make the product stable over that.

And yes, Caligari made lots of mistakes then. The Bridge is the most obvious one. I doubt that Roman would do that again, heh. On the other hand, this makes it possible to have both softwares at once, the old tS 6.6 and the new core. Curse and blessing at the same time. Because what the Workspace lacks can be done in Modeler most of the times.

Suede, you are right. But not in all points. As i am right too, but not in all points. Again you forget the hobbyists. Not all CG is done by professionals. I don't have the money for your named softwares. And will never have.

I still hope that the tS development continues. It was and is on a good track. The new core has enough power to be state of the art once all tools are in place. It is just not finished yet.

trueSpace 7.6, A7 commercial
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