Can anyone add the few things needed to make this older C-script code work with A7? It's code I used for a cut camera system on an old game and it worked great for it. I'm trying to use it in a new project but it keeps throwing up errors because of some deprecated commands. I have a feeling it's a fairly simple thing to change it but I've tried a bunch of things and for some reason I just can't get it to work in A7.

Basically the code does this...

There's a dummy object that serves as the camera, and it always faces towards a center point. There are several paths in the level and when a key is pressed the camera jumps to the given path and travels around it.

The buggy stuff happens where it determines the waypoints. All that path stuff has changed over the years and this old way of doing it doesn't work anymore.

So, any help making this work in A7 would be appreciated, and I am happy to pay for a fix if someone can get it working within a day or two.


// don't forget to "include" this file
// attach action cutcamera_init to an entity

view cutcamera{}

var cut_center;
var max_speed = 4;

var counter = 99;
var timeslow = 0;

action cutcamera_init // attach it to dummy.mdl, etc.

clip_size = 0; // render all the triangles for all the models

vec_set (cut_center, my.pos); // store the (relative) center values
my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

my.invisible = on;
my.passable = on;

camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view

cutcamera.tilt  = -5; // look down a bit
cutcamera.pos_x = 0;
cutcamera.pos_y = 0;
cutcamera.size_x = screen_size.x;
cutcamera.size_y = screen_size.y;
ent_path("pathfly"); // follow this path
ent_waypoint(my._target_x, 1); // store first waypoint 

my.x = my._target_x; // start from the first waypoint
my.y = my._target_y;
my.z = my._target_z;

cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible


	cutcamera.x = my.x;
	cutcamera.y = my.y;
	cutcamera.z = my.z;
	cutcamera.pan = my.pan;

	// follow path -> set _speed
	vec_set(my._speed, my._target_x);
	vec_sub(my._speed, my.x); 

	// don't get too close to the target -> find next waypoint
	if (vec_to_angle(my.pan, my._speed) < 15)

	// turn the camera towards its center (cut_center)
	vec_set (temp, cut_center.x);
	vec_sub (temp, my.x);
	vec_to_angle (my.pan, temp); 

	vec_normalize(my._speed, (max_speed * time)); // normalize _speed

/////////////////////// KEYS ////////////////////////

	if (key_s != 1) // press "S" to stop the movement
		ent_move(nullskill, my._speed); 

	if (key_1 == 1) // press "1" to freeze the current view
		cutcamera.x = my.x;
		cutcamera.y = my.y;
		cutcamera.z = my.z;
		cutcamera.pan = my.pan;
		ent_move(nullskill, my._speed);
		max_speed = 0;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_2 == 1) // press "2"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("campathround"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt = -14; // look down a bit
		max_speed = 6;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_3 == 1) // press "3"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("pathfly"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt = -5; // look down a bit
		max_speed = 4;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_4 == 1) // press "4"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("campathroundbig"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt = -10; // look down a bit
		max_speed = 7;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_5 == 1) // press "5"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("campathwide"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt  = -2;
		max_speed = 7;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_6 == 1) // press "6"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("upperpath"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt  = -12;
		max_speed = 3;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_7 == 1) // press "7"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("campath1"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt = -10; // look down a bit
		max_speed = 3;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_8 == 1) // press "8"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("highcam"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt = -30; // look down a bit
		max_speed = 5;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_9 == 1) // press "9"
		camera.visible = off; // disable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = on; // make cutcamera visible
		ent_path("undercam"); // follow this path
		cutcamera.tilt = 30; // look down a bit
		max_speed = 5;
		my.skill20 = max_speed; // store the speed

	if (key_a == 1) // press "a" to turn on regular "free" camera
		camera.visible = on; // enable "camera" view
		cutcamera.visible = off; // make cutcamera invisible


// add some spices
	if (my.z < 190) // get this value in wed
		max_speed = max (my.skill20 / 2, max_speed * 0.995);  
		max_speed = min (my.skill20, max_speed * 1.005);