This works perfectly! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out laugh
I had to change my buttons panel size to only fit the buttons, before it was fullscreen background so the panel was always active and one of the texts kept pulsating.

"#210x40x32" <-- thats a intressting way to create bmaps. (Is it possible to set RGB value for it?) Could use them to make the diffrent buttons fit the diffrent text lenghts better but would need the pulsating code to react to the button bmap instead of the panel, or make all buttons as individual panels. Then the question would be how to change this_pan...?
Gona be about 30 pulsating text/buttons, spread out over diffrent "pages" and not always close to each other. And thats for start panels only... more later in the game... shocked

Some new things for me in the code...
proc_kill(4); found this in the manual before, didn't understand how to use it. Is it realy enough with that one line? blush
The switch and its cases... "If it matches any of the case values, the instructions following the colon are executed" ok... so it's sorta like a if comparison? but easyer to add more stuff in...?

Pointers are still very confusing for me. Are this_pan and this_text made up pointers? How do the engine know what we'r after? I can't see any line of code that checks for where the mouse pointer is exept for in the:
if(mouse_panel!=this_pan) break; (smart to put in the brake after all font changes, why didn't I think of that...)
How is this_text set and changed? In the switch case? What's the butt_over var then...? Would make more sence if they where predefined commands but since they'r not found in the Lite-C manual they would have to be from C-script or C/C++...maybe?
So many questions... smile