No worry, i've been working all day with Unity :
I've been following the 3rd person tutorial amazing.
What amazes me is the possibility to change particles properties, meshes or lights properties with the game playing :
And it can only give ideas for A7 wink

But caus i'm not friendly with Unity script,it takes me a lot of patience , learning , time to integrate all these things.
So i have been back to A7 smile !

I've exported an animated character from Blender to MED.
I need to talk to Ventilator to improve the export plugin.
With it's great Blender plugin , you must specify manually each frame : But if yo have 79 frames: you must type the numbers from 1 to 79 : AWFULL !!
(even more i could reach the 46 number only in the input box , caus it was full)
I think it won't cost a lot to Ventilator to integrate intervals instead of all frames for the plugin !
Just type 1 and 79 to export all frames from 1 to 79.

Well i msut not forget this is an Unity thread !

Last edited by ratchet; 06/14/09 22:37.