mhh i get an error when i include it to my project:
Error in 'shade-c\sc_core.h' line 10: 'var' undeclared identifier
< var sc_myDepth = 1;

Also in the manual under Getting started i think

#include "sc_core.c";

should be

#include "sc_core.c"

EDIT: I placed
#include "sc_core.c"
after include acknex.h... and now i dont geht the error anymore. But now i get this error:
Error in 'shade-c\sc_shadows.c' line 55: 'D3DXMatrixOrthoLH' undeclared identifier
< D3DXMatrixOrthoLH(sc_orthoMat, SMRes*1.5, SMRes, 0.0, camera.clip_far*5);

Last edited by Fear411; 06/22/09 16:43.