
So i found a Bug; i think.

With the Shade-C V 0.9 i can use models with Texture, Normalmap and Specular map. I use the GS Shader Specbump2.

If i use the V 0.91, than the models are invisible an no shader from GS work.

I just tried every single shader that comes with A7 and they all work, except for fx_specBump2(); , that one gives an "undeclared identifier" error. Doesn't matter if i use shade-c or not, fx_specBump2(); is broken for me (although it's clearly defined in mtlFX.c ??).
Have you tried fx_specBump(); or any other shader? As mentioned, they all work for me, and i don't get any invisible models.
darkinferno are you also using fx_specBump2(); ?


Also Deferred-Shader und SSAO. Weil in deiner Betaversion sind die mit dabei. Aber in der Main nicht. Oder ist das noch gesperrt?

Deferred Shading is included, but not supported. To unlock it, open up sc_core.c and comment
//#include "sc_deferred.c";
back in.
You can then activate deferred shading with sc_setupMRT(); and deferred shading + ssao with sc_setupMRT2();. I won't give any support however, as it's very beta and not really useable wink

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework