
I agree that Jackson was unique, great and famous. But I don't see lots of Jackson clones in the music landscape as well as there are no Freddie Mercury copies around.
But I know dozens of bands performing and singing like Depeche Mode did. I went to a lot of gigs and parties and made similar music myself as a student.

That has to do with your taste and (limited, no offense!!) knowledge of bands or music, as there are many people that tried to be like Freddie Mercury. Most of them just failed.
As for Michael Jackson, take a look at the Timberlakes in pop music. Modern day music is full of Jackson style stuff.

have a feeling a lot more people like coca-cola than like micheal jackson....

I made that analogy to show how famous he was, not how popular. But there are still millions of fans around the world.


honestly he annoyed the crap out of me, and even though i didnt wish him dead, i do think overrated people like him waste space in the public eye for something that could be a bit more constructive.

Blame it on the bad publicity for his life-style and private issues... musically he hasn't dominated the news in years.

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