It's funny that when I mention a age, there's HUGE post about how good you are for your age. I was the same, though ^^

I never "underestimated" or "noobied" you. Nobody does, and never will, unless you start to make posts such as "laodalda I'm teh bst!". I just stated a fact about the age level here.

but the development process was just too slow

Yeah, but you still needed that experience. Saw what developers go through. The hell of DirectX, which I shall never step into (thanks to the 50 character typenames..)

Learnt most of the language in a week

No you didn't, you just grasped the basic primitives. "Learning" a language means you can do anything with it. You know the tricks, can tip up and have experience. smile

But now, we shall return to the topic.

Smilies give a better impression of how the person is actually feeling.

Fact. I'm not fond of when people reply with "lol" and think I should understand that s/he found it amusing. I'm used to feel like "lol" is just something random written without thinking.

"Yesterday was once today's tomorrow."