I only tried your sample when I wrote the report above.

Do you get crashes with all samples or just some of them?

the shadows jitter alot when moving, any way to correct this?

If you are using sType=1 shadows then you can't do anything about the jittering at the moment. I'm working on it.

Shade-C is superb and I hope you keep on developing for a while to make everything perfect :-) Kudos to you!

I hope so too, as there's still a lot of work to do wink

You are using a radial blur starting at the position of the sun, right? Can't you make it work also for positions outside the screen? Then you could calculate the "virtual" sun position somewhere at the screen border and then do the godrays.

Yes that's how it's done. I don't know how to get a good virtual sun vector in screen space yet to apply the radial blur center to. If i get that working, the rest is piece of cake (at least that's what i hope wink )

Other question: is it the case that the shadow of the foliage of the tree isn't rendered correctly, I mean.. doesn't your shadow mapping support alpha textures?

Alpha maps are supported, but as slin already said: Shadowmap resolution is very low, so you sometimes don't notice it as everything is blurry.

void sc_smSunSetup(var SMMapRes, var SMRes, var SMdepth, float SMblur, var sType)
To give the shadows a sharper look, you can decrease SMRes. The lower it gets, the sharper the shadows are. However there also is a smaller area where shadows are being cast. You can also use a low value for SMdepth, this will also sharpen the shadows, but will decrease the maximal z distance of shadows.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework