Hi !
I'm very proud to release Version 1.0 of the C# Wrapper for A7, it wraps 100% of the engine_sdk ! The wrapper allows the experienced A7 and C# user to create applications and games withouth the use of unsafe code !
On my site : acknexwrapper.matthias-auer.net
you find the wrapper, a manual that contains some tutorials and some info about the wrapper, plus a samples archive that contains the source and the compiled version of the projects explained in the "get Started" section of the manual.

Important : It is not advised to use the wrapper if you don't know object-oriented languages or C#, because C# uses a different programming paradigm than lite-c !

ATTENTION: a new version is on it's way, that may change naming conventions, so only use this version of the wrapper for a first glimpse at using a7 in C#

Post here questions, feedback or problems. If you know topics that should be covered in the manual and are not covered yet - send me an e-mail (mail@matthias-auer.net) or post in this thread!

Last edited by Stromausfall; 07/10/09 07:42.

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread