From a historical perspective it's very easy to prove how the Christian belief came into existence as a result of people borrowing lots of ideas from other religions. That in itself is evidence that the existence of that particular newly created God is rather highly unlikely.

I think God's non-existence can also easily be proven by examining the Bible too. After all, if the Bible doesn't contain lots of things that are true or have really happened, why should it be right in that a God exists in the first place?

People often talk about having faith in how their God must exist, but in reality they only really have this book they want to believe in. Of course people can't possibly know who or what God is if they never met him/her/it. Meaning believing in something that 'unknown' and 'uncertain' is rather strange, let alone truthful by definition. It's like that guy in the middle of nowhere that takes his hat off. When we never saw him, there's no way to know he ever existed and did in fact take his hat off. But no.. religious people are convinced they can know things, they can't possibly know at all.

The word delusional comes to mind. wink

Anyway, as we all know, the Bible is far from flawless and even has a bunch of odd contradictions and greatly exaggerated stories that have already been proven not to be historical. From global floods to Noah's Arc, there's really no good reason to assume God is real.

If projected onto our modern ideas about society it's very much an outdated book too when it comes to certain morals. Why would a perfect, flawless, all-knowing and ever-present God forget to take change into account??

The Bible didn't mention fossils or dinosaurs, nor does it give an explanation for a whole lot of other things. Inventions and so on occurred without a God being present for sure. So in essence, what would be the purpose of a God, if it's a. not present and b. has no interest or ability to influence our everyday lives?

In fact, talking about influence and control, why would a God give us 10 commandments?? When you think about it, it's really not that difficult to see that religion was invented by humans and has a very clear purpose that has nothing to do with Gods at all. Again something that should reveal how Gods in general can't exist.

PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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