What do you mean the Flying Spagetthi Monster doesnt exist? I've got photos!

Anyway, back to topic.
I dont know if I agree with your conclusion there Lukas, even though I do agree with your reasoning.

If god is/was "allmighty, all-knowing and perfect", then when he 'kick-started' the universe,
he put exactly enough 'spin' on it to turn out exactly as planned, like you say.
BUT, just because he is no longer 'directly' influencing us, does his influence "not count"
just because it comes to us through cause-and-effect stretching back to his initial kick?
So I feel I need to re-word you concusion slightly to
"So god either does not exist or does longer directly influence the universe. quod erat demonstrandum."

And if god put all his pre-planning into that initial kick, then the bible COULD be
the true word of god if he decided (way back when) to make it so.
(emphisis on the word COULD, we'll likely never know the truth, not till we meet at the pearly gates anyway)

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