It's no wonder that after taking med classes that most doctors are not atheist.
How COULD anyone with a god-complex deny their own existance...

Without a CNS, your brain basically disconnects itself and dies off.
Without a CNS, what does the body dis-connect FROM. The CNS is what it connects USING.

Then your skin would eventually resemble a toad or lizard.
No, you would resemble a burn-victim, no skin, exposed muscle, lots of pain...

What about your simple toe and fingernails?
They regenerate too. if they did not, then if you ever chipped a nail, then you'd lose it forever. goodbye nail.
As a Human, what in God's name are they good for? As an animal I could find many uses for them.
As a human, I can only scratch wink my head in wonder.

Why does your urine have a yellow or green color?
Thats the body way of eliminating evil spirits. ( Beer, Whiskey, etc... )
And why do animals require a bladder? They just let rip wherever and whenever they like.

Oh and talking about urine, you don't actually pee out all that you drink!
Well DUH! Your body REQUIRES water and that WHY you drink. Only some of it is "wasted' as pee.

Some of your arteries are designed so that blood flows only in one direction! Smart eghh? Because that increases efficiency of flow.
"Increases" effeciency of flow? Without one-way valves the blood would just move back an forth, no actual 'flow'.

Geez, the stupid bones will re-grow themselves if you break one!
Bones dont re-grow, they re-join. If a piece is lost it doesnt re-grow.
If it is not straightened, it will re-joined crooked and then your stuffed.

You love sex, but what if we could not re-produce ourselves?? <have babies>
Then there wouldnt be anyone around to read this thread...

But before ridding it takes all the vitamins and nutrients possible from it.WHY?
Because if it didnt we would die? And so not have babies, and die out as a species? Or is that too obvious?

In conclusion, how can you atheist look in the mirror, look at yourself and see your complicated body and conclude that there is no God.
Fairly easy, I look in the mirror and the, "Now that is one handsome Naked Ape!"

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