Originally Posted By: Ran Man
The orbits of the planets aren't perfect. Earth will collide sooner or later.
Yea, but they never collide. Why is that??? Think about it. Random choice of collisions say that they should collide, but no major collisions ever happen. Why? smile

Take two guns in a room and let them shoot both in random directions. Will the bullets collide?

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Our body isn't perfect at all.

There's nothing perfect down here. Both of my 3dgamestudio games fail to work on a certain PC computer here in my house. I think it has a DirectX and hardware issue with the A6 engine.
But, i never blamed conitec or JCL, because i do not expect our games to work on all PC's. Btw, when has conitec ever stated that their engine works on all PC's??? They don't and won't do that, because they are smart enough to know that there are too many PC types to support. So, there is nothing perfect down here. No human body, no PC and no other creation.
Even Satan or Lucifer was not perfect and he was a top angel of God.

According to your belief, god is perfect. So why can't his creations be perfect?

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
That's why evolution "gave"* us two eyes.

Why? Evolution does not know or care about 2 or 3 eyes.
All it cares about is surviving. Your DNA determines your number of eyes.
DNA is another very complicated subject in itself.

It seems that you didn't read the footnoting. Didn't you noticce that asterisk? We have two eyes, because our ancestors with two eyes had an advantage over those who had only one.

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Yes, well the point is that your body is not dependent on some aspects to survive. The theory of evolution is that your body's adapts to the environment to survive. But, certain items are not needed for survival, yet you have them anyways. Here are a few things that come to mind.

#1 Your bladder is not needed for life - but it makes life a lot easier for you.

#2 The estrogen made for your bones are not needed. < yes guys you have it too> it lubricates your bones. Women have more of it obviously.

#3 Your skin and nails automatically re-grow. You could live without it.

I already explained why we do need a bladder. Please read my post!

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Btw, have you good folks ever looked at your knee?
I did look recently at a film of a knee replacement. The device that replaces your knee is very complicated and it does not work as good as a real knee.


Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Or even worse, find out that the bible was mistranslated
at some time in the past, and all the rules Ive followed will send me to hell!
Yes, but i have not quoted the bible in this thread. I'm just talking interesting facts about the human body and then marveling that lots of good folks do not believe in a designer for it. grin

And who designed the designer?

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Here is another thing that freaked me out in MED school a few months ago.
There are 2 incompatible tubes in your throat right now and they sit right next to each other.

The 2 incompatible tubes in your throat!

See this link below if interested.

Basically, you have a tube for AIR in there.
and you also have another tube for DIET in there.

One takes in only air or gases and the other takes in only nutrients.
If water, for example, goes by mistake into your air tube, then you drown.

Your lungs are hyper sensitive to only gases for intake. Anything else is painful.

Now, the tube to your stomach is a potential problem, because the stomach contains powerful acids to help you digest food. If those acids were to mix into the other tube, then your lungs would BURN ! Yeow!

So, how to separate the tubes???


Yes, well too separate the closely placed tubes in your throat, there is a valve or flap called "the epiglottis". This crazy switch detects automatically when you are eating and opens and closes like clockwork in order to close off the powerful acids of your stomach. Ahaa!

Is this crazy? OMG! eek
You've got a device like a toilet flapper in your throat! wow!

Actually this is not evidence for creation but for evolution! This very examples is mentioned in The Origin of Species. Why? Because if there was a designer, why should he have done all the nonsense of putting these two tubes next to each other and doing all the stuff to make it work. Our lungs could work like gills. Fishes don't have that problem. But our lungs did not envolve from gills. They envolved from swim bladders. That's why the trachea ist next to the esophagus.

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
What about the cranium?


This one really freaked me out. see this link below if interested.

The skull or cranium consists of several bones. They protect your brain and after birth begin to fuse together to create a hard structure.

Ahh, but here is the interesting thing.
A baby has to pass through the birth canal in their mothers womb in order to get born. Right?

But, if these bones were fused before labor, then the mother would have to work ten times harder to bear a baby. Needless to say, this would KILL a lot of good women. But the fact is that at childbirth, these bones in your head were flexible and allowed your head to pass through the birth canal to be born.

Now, why is that??? It is a lot easier to be born with a fused skull, but instead it fuses together later on.


Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Anyways, now besides the monkey example, can anybody name something complicated that was not designed? The monkey is already designed and is complicated, so I'm talking outside of nature!

You could say "A TREE", but that is nature and a tree is complicated as it has offspring.

Name something not of nature that is complicated and has no designer.
A watch, a car, a plane, a stereo, a computer, a conitec engine. ?
What? They all have designers.

But, the most complex of them all, which is mother nature has no designer?

Com'on. where is your logic? Don't be blind. Try to think for a change...

Sorry to quote a bible verse, but the bible says: "The fool as said in their heart that there is no God."

I want somebody here to name something, that is not mother nature that is complicated, but has no designer. Okay go ahead if you can... whistle

Anything that is not made by human is considered as "natural". So not designed means not natural. So I don't know what you're looking for by saying "not natural and not designed". Maybe your definition of "natural" differs from mine.

Your bible quote is incomplete. Here's the complete quote of Psalm 14:1:
Originally Posted By: Psalm14:1
The fool says in his heart,
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.

By the part you omitted I can say rightly what you christians often keep saying when you are out of arguments: I feel offended.