Originally Posted By: Lukas

Your bible quote is incomplete. Here's the complete quote of Psalm 14:1:
Originally Posted By: Psalm14:1
The fool says in his heart,
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good.

By the part you omitted I can say rightly what you christians often keep saying when you are out of arguments: I feel offended.

lol, okay geez, i did not want to call anyone "vile". Does that make you happier? grin

[quote]because 'your' god designed nature right?

Yes, the entire crux of the evolution argument relies upon "species".
So, they rely on an already complex designed product to base their theory on.

But, if it were actually true, then it would not be confined to just species.
There would be other examples of evolution not connected to species.
Where is that?

If I park my car, for example, in a cave for 100 years, then come back to get it 100 years later, will i find a Caddilac or a Mercedez Benz there? Nope, just some ole rusty piece of junk, because that's what happens when things are left to themselves. They don't improve with time, but they decay.

The big hole in the argument, is that they tiddy with nature which in itself is very complicated. Darwin had an excuse for being ignorant of this many years ago, but you people nowadays have no excuse.

I'd like to see an example of evolution not involving complex species, but something simple. It's not there, however, so the whole thing is a lie.

I'm not the one believing in ancient stories about people walking on water here..
Why? It's not hard. Have you ever heard of levitation? The people in the east know what that is. It's just having angelic powers lift you off the ground. No problemo. I used to see, hear and talk to them years ago, so this is nothing. They can do it easy.

And who designed the designer?
There's no need, because there's no time in the supernatural realm. Time is only a measurement of physical decay, in the spirit world, there is no time, thus the meaning of "everlasting" becomes reality. wink

Ranman, I'm not sure if you still want to argue religion, or just showing off you newly acquired MED skills.

Yes, well learning the human body really surprised me and I'd like to share some eye opening points that i learned with ya. laugh

Regarding the human body:
When I say and show how complicated the human body is, then do you understand what it means?
It means that try as they might, the humans of this world has not even come close to designing anything that is as complex and amazing as your body is. And they never will... They'll never make anything that is able to re-produce itself with babies. never....

In conclusion, when the bible calls the atheist "FOOLS", well I totally agree. And very IDIOTIC too I might add.

Would it make you feel any better if instead of monkeys it's a lite-c line that did this:
Oh no, not LITE-C . grin I'm too busy with my hands full with Apple's Iphone "OBJECTIVE-C" over here now. lol, take care, Ran smile

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