You completely ignored my last post, except the bible quote part, which shows that you are ignorant. Admit it!

A robot can't be made by evolution because it does not reoproduce. We envolved frm a simple cell that was able to reproduce. Is that so hard to understand? Evolution did not began by something complex like a human body. It began simple and it became complex. IS THAT SO HARD TO UNDESTAND?

About the bible quote: I even feel offended by calling me "fool".

"Admit that you have a blind faith. Yes, atheism takes faith.
I have less faith than you do, in order to believe in God, who is a designer."
According to Richard Dawkins' definition "blind faith" means believing in something without any evidence. Evolution has MUCH evidence, which creationism has NO evidence. The people with blind faith are you, not us.
Faith at all means believing in something. We don't believe in god, so we don't have faith.
Else I could say that you must havemuch blind faith for not believing in Allah, Vishnu, Zeus or Horus.

"We people who believe in God, have less faith than an atheist does !
We have truth and reality on our side. That's all."
You have neither truth nor reality on your side. You have a thousand years old fantasy book on your side. We have overwhelming evidence on our side.

EDIT: I realised that you did answer to my question about who created the designer.
If there is no time, how can god do something? If you press the pause button while watching a film, everything stops. So this can't be true. And it doesn't even explain where god comes from.

Last edited by Lukas; 07/12/09 20:36.