Ran Man, get off the caffine, SERIOUSLY.
Originally Posted By: Ran Man
You converted me, like you did Silverman.
We are not out to convert you, we are just trying to make you understand that
we have justifications for believing in our "faith", science.
Just because our 'belief' supports a different 'god' to yours doesnt make us wrong, OR YOU RIGHT.
And also, because yours is a different 'god' to ours, doenst make us right, or you wrong.
So just calm down a bit.

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Understand and realize that - you laugh when I suggest the robot was not designed, but you also laugh when I suggest that your body was designed?
We do not laugh at your suggestion that our body was designed, we just DISAGREE on WHO it was designed BY.
You say God, we say Evolution.

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
What? Excuse me Mr. logical atheist, but you are surely illogical !
Admit it. Admit it !
Where are we being illogical?

Originally Posted By: Ran Man
Admit that you have a blind faith. Yes, atheism takes faith.
I have less faith than you do, in order to believe in God, who is a designer.

No, atheism doesnt take faith, it takes a lack of blindness...

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