Originally Posted By: Ran Man

did you see some 'tools' lying around somewhere?

no, but everything else all around us that is complex is designed.
We do know that for sure.

You'd be surprised how often we don't really know whether it was designed or not. A lot of natural processes can make objects look like they were designed. Oldest example in the book are of course rocks that look like faces, but were never touched by human tools. Interpreting such rocks as man-made would be false, but not illogical if you don't do more research.

Yes, well for some reason, the typical atheist overlooks that fact and assumes the vastly complex human body is not designed.

You still haven't responded to why it must be designed. Complexity says nothing about whether it must be designed or not, in fact.. most inventions are actually amazingly simple. Aren't those designed too?


Why overlook the fact that everything else complicated has a designer?

We're not overlooking the complexity at all, we're just convinced it's not a given fact that everything that must be complex must have been designed. In fact, you're overlooking how evolution shaped us into what we are now. You could call this a passive design (evolution has no aim), but it doesn't mean some higher being must have designed us.

In fact, it makes no sense, as it would mean he created a universe, gave it a kick and billions of years later we came into existence. Doesn't sound very plausible to me at all, especially knowing how evolution is a process that still goes on until this very day. We are by far not yet the 'end product', in fact there's no such thing as an 'end product'.

Maybe all of us should all ask ourselves and further the atheist logic.

Our logic is based upon knowledge and we're not assuming weird, physically impossible things though.

If all complexity needs no designer, then therefore maybe 3dgamestudio version A7 was not designed either? It was not designed by anybody. tired

We can talk to the developers, we can understand the tools involved, we have some sight into what has been developed when..... all that in itself is more than enough proof of it being designed.

Remember... we can't talk to God, we don't have a clue what he could possibly have used to create anything, nor do we really have a good view onto when he created what (after all, most creationists believe our earth isn't billions of years old, which leads to an obvious problem following this kind of logic.)

In that case, we should all be demanding free downloads of the PRO version from conitec. After all, they did not design it and it was only a product of time. It should be free public domain work then... wink It was only a product of the environment.

That's exactly true for humans. No human nor designer holds a copyright on our species. wink

Okay, i'm waiting for my free download now. lol smile Where's da link?

Click to reveal..
There is no God and it won't miraculously post links to a software program either. wink

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