Originally Posted By: Joozey
And as I said, it's only complex as long as we don't understand it.

Yes, and as I said, if it is not that complex, then we all ought to be able to create it ourselves and in our garage. wink but, we can't, yet i can create a PC from parts in my garage right now, but not a living body.

Originally Posted By: achaziel

Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
No, he is a God of free choices, as love must have free choice to exist. Take for example this old testament bible verse below.

[quote]JEREMIAH 11:12
Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry to the gods to whom they offer incense: but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble. For according to the number of your cities are your gods, O Judah; and according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem you have set up altars to the abominination, altars to burn incense to the Ba‘al.

So, God allows the BAAL god to run around enticing Jews in the old testament, and any other god for that matter. It is up to the people <the jews> to resist and/or follow whichever god they want to follow.
The same goes for us.
It seems that you atheist guys insist of following the god of time as time makes living organisms become more complex, huh?

Your faith follows the ancient greek god Kronos perhaps?
Click on the link below:

GO KRONO'S YAY ! crazy
btw, if men was created by your god, then who created diseases? satan? dun dun dunnnn.

God created all the angels.

Yes, many cultures assume that BAAL is another term for Satan, but diseases can be caused by your diet and also your way of life. Did you expect God to cause lightening or something in order to help people choose correctly? no, the entire thing is "free will" based. wink

On the subject of Baal though, well there are many demons down here <i saw a few of them years ago>, and they tempt or entice us to do whatever. Therefore, the angels and humans are being tested and free wills are being scrutinized right now constantly.

There is a huge unseen world inside our own world at the moment.

I'm confident and have no doubts that what I saw was real.
Or else, why would I have completed 5 different game titles and working on a 6th right now? a madman? or, or ? how about it was real? lol grin
How many game developers on this forum have completed 5 titles and going for #6 ???

"oh, and one more link you should consider:"

They are comparing humans to animals on one of those vids. Oh well, animals were created also, so what's the point?

They are showing us cells. Big deal, let them make a cell from nothing in their garage and then i will be a believer. lol laugh

Last edited by Ran Man; 07/16/09 00:09.

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