Yes, and as I said, if it is not that complex, then we all ought to be able to create it ourselves and in our garage. but, we can't, yet i can create a PC from parts in my garage right now, but not a living body.

If you find a willing (or un-willing even) woman, you CAN create life in your garage.
It will take about 9 months. (please leave the garage door down)
Could a 5 year-old build a PC with the parts that are already there?

AND, if you didnt have all the computer parts in your garage, that SOMEONE ELSE made, could you still build a PC?

It seems that you atheist guys insist of following the god of time as time makes living organisms become more complex, huh?
Time is a PROCESS, not an imaginary entity. After all, it would be pretty silly for athiests to exhort
that Time (with a capital T), has always existed, even before time! (withOUT a capital T) Oo

They are showing us cells. Big deal, let them make a cell from nothing in their garage and then i will be a believer. lol
Lets see you create a NAIL from NOTHING in your garage and I'LL become a believer.
A nail is a simple enough object for even a mere human?

"There is no fate but what WE make." - CEO Cyberdyne Systems Corp.
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