Originally Posted By: adoado
Over here in Australia, some people still feel unsure whether to act - whether they are misinformed, lazy, or skeptical.
...or can see a way of making a profit out if it, either by acting on it now, OR delaying it.

I myself, as a fellow aussie, am dead set against the entire concept of "climate change".
I base my 'opinion' on what I have seen, heard, and read both in the public media "circus',
and in actual internet researching.
There is 'so-called' evidence pointing both ways, there are celebrities advocating both ways,
and there are scientists advocating both ways, so how to choose?
I decided to to look at how many scientists were advocating their chosen view FOR NO PROFIT.
Not for fame, not for money, not for their employers satisfaction.

The anti-"climate-change" scientists won hands down. There were even many that
have chosen to ostracise themselves from the scientific society BECAUSE they dont believe,
and dont want to be linked with supporters of climate-change.

So overall, I see no reason NOT to try make the planet a cleaner place,
just beware the smooth-talker who is trying to clean out your wallet using the same
arguments as Al Gore.

PS Sorry to any Al Gore supporters out there, but SHUT HIM UP PLEASE.
Anybody with even a high-school understanding of science can listen to just ONE
of his lectures and be converted to anti-climate-change, when he's tryin to support it!
The information he is using conflicts with itself. HE doesnt even understand it,
and so makes a fool of himself trying to explain it.
And that was my opinion of his "seminars" long before I had made up my mind.
I could be wrong in my opinion, and he may be right in his, so I dont have a problem
with him doing his pundit circuit, but PLEASE, get a script writer who knows his science.

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