The information he is using conflicts with itself

The information he is using is incomplete (and perhaps outdated) at best, but it certainly does not conflict with itself at all. In fact, most of what he's been saying has been high school lesson material for Dutch students for decades already. He's only making a fool out of those who don't know this already by painfully showing how little the average American knows about this subject.

The fact that he made it a 'hot topic' is severely overrated in the whole debate anyway, let alone the fact that he did not do the research and he did not come to the conclusions he is propagating to as many people as possible. So.. I don't think he should be credited for any of that. In a way I agree he should just zip it, as he's making money off of this now.

It's almost plain stupid to attack him claiming he doesn't know what he's talking about. In fact, the irony in comments like those is that the basic idea when it comes to global warming is actually extremely easy to grasp, let alone that most naysayers do not know anything about the topic at all, but just feel threatened. :p

Why does everyone have this obsession with thinking that the human race is important in some way?

I could ask the very same thing about why people are obsessed with religion and Gods and all that. Trust me, there's no easy answer.

I think most people do have this idea that we can mean something by acting in a certain way. Basically changing the world to maximize what we can get out of it, is a great idea. Don't forget people are already dying because of over-pollution...

PHeMoX, Innervision Software (c) 1995-2008

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