1) It is the chemical nature of the molecule to act as a greenhouse gas.
3) Sorry, from what I read, the sources I have seen look way more valid - they actually show the scientist's name who's presented the 'facts'. A politicians view is more biased for self gain than scientists who spend years researching the topics. I'm sure you will find 'proof' that the moon is actually purple somewhere out there ^^
Dont be sorry, you have earned your opinion by reading more than newspapers and TV.
Im not saying THE piece of paper Fielding is waving is important, but look back
for the documents it was pillaged from.

1) Im not saying its not a "greenhous" gas, but on a global scale, there are many natural factors resisting it.
After all, if CO2 has TRIPLED in the last 30 years, why havent we seen any "significant" climate change?
(PS Im freezing my tits off here while typing this!)
3) I saw this information YEARS ago, in scientific journals, not the daily telegraph.
Back then it did have scientists names attached to it, long before Fielding started waving it around.

After all who is to say the whole climate-change issue isnt the same as ONE article I saw over 10 yars ago.
A well-documented, researched and endorsed study by a well-respected (by scientists) article that showed
conclusivly that WATER CAUSES CANCER !!!! Since when he has never been heard of again.
Now either scientists are human and can make mistakes, or there is a conspiricy to hide
the dangers of water. Make up your own mind.

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