@ Phemox:

ALL people rely on faith. And yes, science does too. You rely on faith when you loan a friend $20 (faith he will pay you back). A scientist relies on faith when doing experimental research (faith that the information from his peers is accurate). YOU rely on faith that the scientific theories you've heard about are true. You rely on faith that your spouse will not cheat on you. The examples are endless. Life is full of things we must put faith in and believe without physical proof. It's also funny that many atheists believe life exists on other planets, but then attempt to mock and belittle people with religious convictions. smirk Yeah... You've missed the point by a long shot...

"Instead it is based on a lot more than the believe in thinking it's correct. It's based on laws, based on reproducible experiments, based on methods and basically based on actual proof as good as it can get."

Once again, way off... There are tons of scientific theories which are NOT reproducible, not possible to experiment with, and unproven; (i.e., evolution, big bang, string theory, etc). Scientists rely on faith that those theories are correct, based upon things we believe about the way the universe and physics work. And our theories change over and over. In 100 years, people will laugh at the ideas we hold so dear about life and the universe today. Just like century old ideas sound so comical today. You first say that science is based on proven facts, then turn around to say nothing is absolute... interesting...

"Having faith in a God often implies disbelieving certain essential discoveries of science too, which hardly makes sense if you combine the two. You'll get silly ideologies where people believe in evolution, but still hold on to their believe in Jesus as being a supernatural God on Earth.

That makes absolutely no sense. If evolution were proven, 100% beyond any doubt, tomorrow, that still doesn't negate the possibility that (a) God(s) exist. There's actually nothing in the Bible (or any other religious literature afaik), that says God(s) didn't design natural systems like evolution.

You're mistaking another main point about my initial post: It's NOT that I don't believe life can adapt and change over time to take radically different new forms. What I DON'T believe is the current, modern Theory of Evolution as a whole. In relies upon tons of unsubstantiated beliefs which have never been replicated in a lab, NEVER observed, and has no evidence to support them. For instance, no evidence life can "spontaneously generate" from raw element, and no evidence that any genome can be modified (naturally or artificially) far enough to explain the diversity of life on earth. It's just assumed. Once again, by faith...

"In a philosophical sense, science doesn't really deal with truths in an absolute sense at all, but only with relative knowledge."

....uhhh... no... And please stop saying "philosophical", lol. smile

"It's very ironic how on one hand you say you can't possibly believe that something this incredible has happened while it clearly has, yet on the other hand you strongly believe a magical God must exist and be responsible even though that's really even much more far fetched and seemingly impossible."

When you use the expression "on one hand... but on the other...", you're supposed to use to different, opposing, or contradictory ideas or thoughts that are in some way relevant. That entire block of text makes absolutely no sense. An example would be "On one hand, they claim to be certain we can put a man on Mars by 2012, but on the other, they aren't even sure how long the technologies will take to develop." I hope that helps...

"After all, regardless of what started it, we can all witness right here and now where evolution and so on has brought us."

So you *believe*. The only thing proven is adaptation via natural/artificial selection (we can observe and replicate it). That only accounts for diversity among a genus and sometimes our basic classifications (i.e., types of mammals, reptile, fish). There's not a single shred of evidence that single cell organisms just "magically" created themselves and eventually turned into us. It's purely hypothetical. Humans are primates. We have a fossil record that shows primates developing into different types of primates. So it is highly likely that man is a highly refined and adapted form of ape. We don't know this beyond all doubt, it's just very likely. However, we have no proof that it all started with single celled organisms. There's nothing in between. There are no fossils of transitional species between here and there. So you're relying on faith...

"It's neither unexplainable nor inconceivable, it's basically not more than a philosophical answer anyways and nothing concrete. It's more a gigantic sign of not wanting to admit that you do not have an answer.

Not having an answer is fine, but pretending to know anyway is just incredible silly and strange."

Plenty of things are unexplainable and inconceivable. For instance, the very origins of our universe! smile Any competent scientist will tell you that the very thought of how and why the universe actually exists is currently unexplainable and inconceivable. We do have things like the Big Bang theory, but that doesn't explain where the singularity came from that created everything. It doesn't address that nor the creation of dimensional reality, spacetime, and even gravity is unknown. We observe the effects of gravity, but no one is even sure where it comes from or why. One theory is that the mass of an object warps spacetime in all dimensions, like a fabric. We simply don't know. It's still totally inconceivable to us. I'm not claiming to have all the answers, I'm just pointing out that no one does.

"The whole idea that things are too complex and unconceivable is just odd by definition, as it rules out future knowledge on beforehand.

So far, there's really absolutely no reason to assume Gods were either responsible for or present during the massive development of everything around us."

You might want to try to rephrase that, because you failed to make any significant point...

And please note, don't take any of this personal or insulting. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you don't mean to be insulting either. We're just debating ideas. So I hope there's no hard feelings or animosity just because we might disagree about something. smile

Last edited by Jaeger; 07/19/09 22:58.