
Since everyones been kinda missing your question...

First of all,
MED is good for creating organic models, like people. Just takes time to get the hang of it, But once you do have the hang of it, its very useful, since thats what I use.

Don't just focus on one section of game development.
Sure, you'll get your experiance in that area faster; but whats the rush!? You cant rush art!

And then you can have experiance in all those areas, and not have to pay people cause you dont know how to spend 3 hours on making a simple human model.

I am very experianced in all areas of 3dgs.
I can't skin 100% yet, but im getting there. wink


Depends on the game.
If you want a game, with nice graphics, dont group different sets of meshes.
Make your models all one closed mesh, and learn to do that with all models.

If your looking for something that is cheap looking, like old playstation1 graphics (resident evil 1 for example) then do it the way your thinking of.

In the long run, for business for example; Single closed meshes are best for all games. they take up less resources, and can be used with my.polygon, since then it wont destroy fps.

Hope that helps.


Also, make sure that you add extra vertecies and faces in places where the mesh will bend. Example: Knees, ankles, arms, shoulders...

Last edited by DevoN; 07/21/09 00:57.

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