Funny, I thought of pretty much the same method (creating create_ and remove_ functions for all structs) the other day. Good to know someone has tested it!

And good to know someone else has got the same idea ^^ must be some use in this way of programming then! grin.

Joozey, what's the " ** " in your last post? I've never seen that... what does it mean?

As evil says.

*A = [0][1][2][3][4][5][6] //array, where pointer A points to [0]
**B = [A[0]][A[0]][A[0]] //array where pointer A points to [p[0]]

A is a normal array with 6 indexes containing some value.
B is a normal array with 3 indexes, but each containing a pointer to array A. Doesn't need to be the same array, just a new array of type A.

So, B is a pointer to an array containing pointers to an array. Hence the two asteriskes. The compiler will puke with only one asterisk.

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