Is it possible to let EngFun.engine_open() return an ENGINE_VARS struct? This way i think it might be possible to allow multiple instances of the engine to be used.

At first I thought multiple instances wasn't available because of accessing "acknex.DLL" simulataneously.You can create a C# app that runs the engine, and run the exe many and it will load seperate engine windows each time. The manual states the engine can be run many times even.

So i'm wondering which method could be used to load the engine multiple times, within the same exe? I'm in need of this for a MDI application, and i can't think of a way to get around it.

Or maybe you could explain to me why multiple instancing is not possible.

I know you said in an earlier post that functions like engine_frame() dont take an instance parameter, but if there was a way to return a structure or pointer from an engine_open call, then couldn't you use something like...

Engine_Ref ref_1 = EngFun.engine_open(null);
Engine_Ref ref_2 = EngFun.engine_open(null);

Then each engine could be referenced with ref_1 and ref_2. Don't know how possible this is, just a thought.

I know i'm asking a lot but i' see so much potential in this wrapper.


Last edited by DJBMASTER; 07/27/09 10:52.