@pararealist >>> You shouldn't really see a performance decrease because the engine is running on a seperate thread. Are you using the "embedding" sample from the manual? If you want to resize the engine when the form resizes then you will have to use the Resize event handler or you can override WndProc and handle the WM_RESIZE message. Then you will need to use the win32 call "SetWindowPos" to set the size of the engine window.

PM me if you want me to give you a "resizing" demo.

@amy >>> I think the way it uses Vars at the moment is pretty good, if not fine. Having time_step and time_step_as_reference would be overkill i think, and more work on Stromousfall's part. I think it also serves as a helper to use IntValue and FloatValue to stop you eg, passing a float to a function that wants an int, thus preventing errors.

@Stromausfall >>> I looked over the multiplayer functions in the manual and after some consideration decided not to go that way because a number of errors could occur (ip settings etc) and the engine's network functions don't have a reputation as being useful.

I wanted to go a bit more 'low-level' and operate on windows messages, so i decided to create a method of sending custom messages to the exe window. Then the window can handle it and do whatever it wants. It works fine...

...and i can control each instance seperately by passing values to each window.

LMAO, i have learnt more win32 in the past 3 days than ever before. At least we now have multiple instances running.

If anyone wants the code for running more than one instance of the engine, then ask here or PM me.


Last edited by DJBMASTER; 07/27/09 16:29.