Originally Posted By: broozar
- "god is everything", i refuse to believe that. and i'd like you to show me a part of the new testament where it's said this way. "god is everything" puts a soul in everything and everyone, assumes a greater principle behind everything that is going on. but there is not, not for me. you HAVE the choice of either slamming your fist into your oppnent's face, or talk to him. there is no god in wars. there is no god in my ipod. and, probably, there is no god in those who claim to be the closest to god and fulfil his wish: fundamentalists, terrorists, racists, the one or the other priest.

my (last?) post in this thread:

The statement: God IS everything means that God made everything of himself. I don't mean that you should look at your Ipod and go "hello God". God created all. Period. Call it the Big Bang or whatever, In the beginning, before the point mentioned in the bible where "the earth was void and without form" God created everything. Space, planets, stars, etc. When God created everything here he had angels. One angel, Lucifer, decided to take on God, therefore being kicked out of heaven and forced into hell. Now God made all, he did not make the people evil, he just made the people. The people choose what they want to do, God doesn't make every decision for you and he won't lead you by the hand through life. We have choices, so all those racists and self-justifying murderers are still creations of God, they are just choosing a very wrong way of living. Call me crazy or whatever, but God didn't MAKE those people to be that way, he didn't force them to be jerks. God made free will for everyone to be able to choose what they want to do. If God at any time took at least one bit of free will we'd have no more free will and God would become a dictator, but instead he chooses to let us live the way we WILL. God is not a dictator, and will never become one. The fact the people can choose not to believe in a god of any form is proof of that.

- aka Manslayer101