hmmm, i'm not really sure how to use ironpython. I can use it to change controls at runtime, but i had no success in using it to create engine objects like an ENTITY*.

I did some browsing and learnt what assemblies and functions i needed to create assemblies at runtime and execute my own code. The only requirement is that I pass in required DLLs, so i had to compile the C# wrapper into a single DLL. The result is pretty good. I called "ent_create..." from a string and it created then entity just like as if it had been compiled on the project build.

There will be a slight lag due to memory IO but it should be OK. I dont really need this for my project right now, just thought it would be cool to learn it, but this method has the potential to create a whole new game engine allowing the user to write actions / particles / shaders and test them in real-time without the need for compilation by acknex.

BTW Stromousfall, isn't it easier to compile the Wrapper source files into one DLL and then distribute that?

Last edited by DJBMASTER; 07/28/09 23:10.