
dieses ist ein freier Ingameleveleditor! Dafür gedacht, jüngeren Kindern zu erleichtern, einfache Level zusammenzubauen. Ich hatte ihn für Workshops programmiert, die ich mit Kindern ab 10 Jahre durchführe. Letzte Woche war so ein Workshop, der 5 Tage a 6 Stunden gedauert hat.
Alle weitere Information folgt in Englisch, da das eh in diesem Forum die meisten beherrschen.

Im Spiel/Editor kann man zwischen den Sprachen mit den Tasten 1 und 2 umschalten.
F1 zeigt den kurzen Hilfstext.
Strg + Alt + E startet den Editor, mit der rechten Maustaste dreht man die Kamera im Edtor.
Mit WASD und Pfeiltasten bewegt man die Kamera.

Vieles ist etwas umständlich, das Meiste aber hoffentlich ziemlich selbsterklärend! blush


I've created a level editor for a workshop for kids with the age between 10 and 14. The workshop happened last week and lasted 5 days and 6 hours a day.
The intention of the workshop was to create a game with children with only free programs like Lite-C, its MED, Gimp and Teddy.
Don't know whether it was a success. I hope the children still like me! wink They were extremely dedicated and concentrated to learn all the hard stuff - now, I know what parts of the hard stuff have to be avoided the next time! (Did you know that Teddy can't save its models without admin rights in Windows XP? I didn't, and it was very frustrating, especially for that kids who did a great job with that modeller.)

The Ingame Level Editor should make level building easier. It is still very basic.
I added a shadowmapping for the terrain with the help of Scorpion. There is a set of prefabricated actions. One of them is the flight action from mercuryus, one snippet is from HeelX.

The code is Lite-C, it is quite messy, a mixture of English and German, and some the code is buggy. You get a crash from time to time in "schwerkraft()", I couldn't find the reason, yet.
The code is partly not time corrected - while writing the code, I switched from writing an easy to learn code to a more elaborated code, forth and back.

This is all free for non-commercial use, except the font.

The terrain shadowing has still a 'glitch', the shadow has an offset to the model. I don't know how to solve this. Maybe, you have an answer.

I am still new to Lite-C.

To start the game look for start.exe, or, as it is meant as help for your game, you can open the start.c and the editor.c in SED. In editor.c you can add further functions to a list to make them available in the editor, the editor simply writes the number of given entities in the level and the entities' names, positions, angles, scales and their function number into a simple text file, called 'level0.txt'.

F1 for help - very short.
Ctrl + Alt + E to start the editor.
RMB to turn the camera, WASD and arrwo keys to move the camera.

Its a bit cumbersome, but I hope you can understand the most of its buttons without any further explanation!

You can download it here:


It is easy to improve and extend the editor, don't hesitate to do so, and share the results with us! wink

Thank you! laugh

C&C is welcome!

Last edited by Pappenheimer; 11/07/09 12:37.