Germanunkol :: couldnt fix it(not without doubling the particle count with minimal visual improvement).
But I havent given up, but not trying very hard anymore.
You will never LIKELY have the lightning "fat" enough to notice anyway. (its never displayed for long)

Note, the particle count is pretty heavily dependant in the DIV value (sub-divisions per bolt),
and it is EXTREMELY dependant on the DEPTH value (number of branches "deep" to calculate).
Play with those two values and you WILL be able to bring the count right down as low as you want.
But the lower you go, the less "realistic" it gets.
If you want it for just "electrical" sparks like electrical arcing, go with a Depth of 1, a Div of 8, but spawn multiple bolts.
[EDIT] To see what I mean, try adding this function and triggering it with an "on_key" statement in main.
Its a passable electrial arc but by tweaking its settings could achieve your desired results...
Click to reveal..
var arcing()		
{	var last_key = key_lastpressed;
	{		LB_spawn(FromPoint, ToPoint, 8, 0.4, 1, 5, vector(255,128,128), vector(180,0,0), 0);	
}	}

Im inclined to think that DEPTH should be "calculated" based on current FPS,
and the DIV value should be based in the GPU-quality divided-by number-of-bolts-visible-at-once.
But thats up to the end programmer to implement.

Last edited by EvilSOB; 07/31/09 08:59.

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