Alright, back from vacation smile
Had an idea for fast point light based global illumination while taking a nap at the beach. I'm really curious if it will work out (it does work perfectly in theory...but that doesn't say anything grin )

There have been numerous reports of shade-c not working correctly with intense-x (all-in-one shader always fully lit, some post processing effects not working, etc), so please try CD_saber's solution and let me know if it works.
I will then make changes to the upcoming version of shade-c so it will work right from the start without the user rewriting parts of intense-x or shade-c.


@Andreas C:

The easiest way to get ShadeC to work with IntenseX is to

1) deactivate IntenseX's "Display"-Script (if causes problems with ShadeC
2) rename the Skill99 (or skill100, iam not sure, just search for one of them) into Skill90, because IntenseX also uses this skill, so it conflicts with it.

Cheers, CD_SABER

@Schmerzmittel: Yes, testlevel will be "in shade-c" or lite-c if that's what you wanted to know wink It will make full use of the version im currently working on.

A Stupid Question :
Do we have the Shade-C in C-Scrip ???
I need the Light-Ray effect in C-Scrip...!

Shade-C does not and never will work with C-Script. You have to use lite-c if you want to fully use shade-c. If you only want to use object-based shaders, then these will also work in C-Script. God-Rays will not work in C-Script however. Maybe check out the other thread over in "shaders", there's a god-ray shader over there that might work in C-Script.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework