Great, that there's someone who found it useful! smile

I should have stressed that it is mainly meant for the users of Lite-C free, because there isn't much need for those who earn an edition which comes with WED.

It is meant to fill in the actions that you need for your game:

in Line 296 you add the name of your action or function that you want to assign to a model:

TEXT* action_strings =//die hier genannten actions müssen natürlich auch in "created_ent" aufgeführt werden
//the actions that you fill as a string in this text, must filled in in the function 'created_ent' as well
	strings = 15;//Anzahl der actions angeben
	string = "boden", "zweig", "Spielfigur1", "Spielfigur2", "dreh_dich_zum_spieler", "ent_little", "plant_simple", "Fliegender_Spieler", "witch_craft", "Folgende_Kamera", "zaehler1", "zaehler2", "Meine_Animation", "ente_flieg", "blaues_leuchten";
// 	flags = VISIBLE;

in the function 'created_ent' there is a list of the functions:

if(my._action == 0){boden();}
	if(my._action == 1){zweig();}
	if(my._action == 2){Spielfigur1();}
	if(my._action == 3){Spielfigur2();}
	if(my._action == 4){dreh_dich_zum_spieler();}
	if(my._action == 5){ent_little();}
	if(my._action == 6){plant_simple();}
	if(my._action == 7){Fliegender_Spieler();}
	if(my._action == 8){witch_craft();}
	if(my._action == 9){Folgende_Kamera();}
	if(my._action == 10){zaehler1();}
	if(my._action == 11){zaehler2();}
	if(my._action == 12){Meine_Animation();}
	if(my._action == 13){ente_flieg();}
	if(my._action == 14){blaues_leuchten();}

Let's says, you have a simple action like this:
function polygon_on()
	set(my, POLYGON);

Then you add in the text at the end of the list of strings:
"polygon_on" and increase the number:
strings = 16;

And you add in the function 'created_ent':

if(my._action == 15){polygon_on();}

The difference of 16 strings ad action == 15 relates to the count of the actions which begins with zero.

The whole script has functions that are meant to be short and easy.
But there are several that aren't that easy, because it wasn't that easy, to code a nice looking gravity code (called 'schwerkraft') or to code a follower that you can push away.

BTW, a list of the already given functions:


1. boden = ground : function for the terrain, setting polygon collision
2. zweig = branch : function that sets a simple collisionbox related to the rough shape of the model
3. Spielfigur1 = player1 : player movement with gravity and sliding and pushing and pushable: control: arrow keys and ctrl
4. Spielfigur2 = player2 : player movement with gravity and sliding and pushing and pushable: control: WASD and E
5. dreh_dich_zum_spieler = turn to player : as it says
6. ent_little = Kleine_Einheit : scans for other moving entities, follows the next entity and can be pushed
7. plant_simple = einfache Pflanze : sets transparent and passable
8. Fliegender_Spieler = flying player : this is an action from mercurious, slightly modified
9. witch_craft = Zauber : scans for moving entities and morphs it to a star sprite
10. Folgende_Kamera = following camera : a more sofisticated function: you set an entity near the entity that shall be observed by the camera. It scans for the nearest entity in the beginning of the game start. If you place two of this entities then you get splitscreen (although it doesn't always work - don't know why, yet.)
11. zaehler1 = counter1 : a target that counts te entities around it
12. zaehler2 = counter1 : a target that counts te entities around it
13. Meine_Animation = my animation : simply plays all animations of an entity in a cycle
14. ente_flieg = duck fly : a following entity : scans for other moving entities, follows the next entity and can be pushed, no gravity applied
15. blaues_leuchten = blue light : a request of a participant of the workshop : an entity emits blue light (works only under certain circumstances, is a matter of the views, but I didn't have a further look at the reasons.)