question, how would i get shadows to show on a model that already has your terrain shader applied? i cant apply two effects to it?

Wait for the next release, you will be able to use any shader with shadows then. I plan to release the next version during august.

Short status update: The global illumination thingy is working kinda nice, but of course is far from perfect (massive fps drop).
For now, i dropped it and am now rewriting parts of the depthmap shader instead to create a hybrid renderer for shadows (deferred rendering <-> forward rendering). Shadows, ssao, ssgi and MAYBE lighting will be rendered by deferred rendering, all other shaders remain the same. The new deferred rendering will not use any floating point textures but encoded textures instead. So don't worry: If shade-c currently runs on your PC, it will also run on your PC after the hybrid renderer has been implemented.

I'm really looking forward to finishing this, as it will drastically reduce draw calls and polygons rendered per frame. So in theory this should give a nice performance boost when it comes to shadows. Now let's hope it actually works out smile

to-do list for august:
- finish frustrum culling for point light shadows
- implement deferred renderer which uses encoded textures instead of floating point textures, so it runs on a wide range of hardware
- move shadowmapping from forward renderer to deferred renderer
- update/create new examples
- update manual
- if there is time left: add support for local volumetric lights and fake global illumination

also.. it seems sprites are casting shadows, is there an option to turn this off? works well for trees and such but horibble for explosions and such

You are right. I will add an option for that.

Last edited by BoH_Havoc; 08/01/09 15:16.

Shade-C EVO Lite-C Shader Framework