Originally Posted By: Spirit
It works with predefined objects, you can only use the objects that are included.

Well, you can create your skinmesh, create your own collision model, shadow-caster model, weight model... then assign various physics like G-force, wind... attach airfoils... attach controls... you can use bone animated models with weighted vertices as well as fbf animated models. The same you can create rigidbodies for level geometry and believe me its easy and simply works... you just export your models to .x and import into the engine... I would agree that its more racing genre oriented with car physic templates, race timer, checkpoint system and car AI, but Fernando has added lots of different features including player character. Also with the script other guys on the forum have made lots of stuff like minimaps, infinite terrain, etc.

What i personally think was wrong is the lack of information and any publicity... i got into this engine almost by accident while checking out 3Impact.

It might be lacking features, but its the first engine i bought that gave me the chance to have a working level in less than an hour, the only other engine that i did that with was DX Studio.

Last edited by nuclear_winter; 08/07/09 07:25.