Originally Posted By: Tiles
Hm, just ask yourself why there are no games around made with 3D Rad. With games i don`t mean minilevels to show the power of single objects.

I think you missed the point of a tool like this. It serves the same market like the FPS creator. Did you see any published game made with FPS creator? No. And there probably will not be any in the future.
But there are tons of customers. The makers of FPS creator make some good money. The customers want to have fun, easy access and fast feedback.
3dgs users are something similar. They are here because they get easy access to the scripting (otherwise they would use a real programming language with better debugger and more powerful programming features). But even this takes more time for learning.

The same counts for Poser, DAZ and similar tools. Nobody will make a professional project with these. It is even not allowed in their license. But nevertheless there are tons of customers buying every new art pack, just for fun, for creating some nice scenes and images. It is their hobby.

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft