Hi, just a small update this time, mainly a tribute to the 4gb ram upgrade.
I'm currently trying to increase the "omg, this is huge"-feeling and added a simple landscape and made the tower 5 times larger. It is as detailed as before but uses 4 lod steps.
The voxel map of the tower is 256*256*2560 big.

more screenshots
Next task is to add some sort of atmospheric scattering to the shading to get rid of the simple blue fog.

I've also added a .wmb level output (a7.7 format, works with lite-c), though lite-c seems not to be able to load levels with millions of triangles. Here some screenshots of a smaller tower in lite-c:

(lite-c is cheating on the number of tris in the depug display, the level consist of twice as much) (its also possible to export lod-meshes which are much more optimized)
You can also download the level: level_1.rar
simply open it with acknex.exe, or load it with a script.

As the geometrie gets calculated via several shaders i originally planed to take part at the shader contest. Though i think i won't get many votes with this as it is not a shader to create fancy looking surfaces or a complete easy to include shader package. For most of the user its simply useless.
