I have just released

Version 1.0.2 for A6.60
Version for A.77
Version 1.0.2 for A7.80

these new versions now support implicit casting.
this means that one doesn't need to type
int x = EngFun.clamp((Var)3, (Var)4, (Var)5).IntValue;

anymore (although this is still supported), but now one can type :
int x = EngFun.clamp(3, 4, 5);

thus explicit casting isn't needed anymore (although it's supported)

BUT one doesn't forget that if one writes
Var TempVar = new Var(3);
TempVar = 4;

then not the value of the TempVar object is changed, but a new object is created that has the value 4 ! Thus Var.IntValue and Var.FloatValue aren't obsolete and are still needed and useful ! For example if you want to change the position of an Entity :
ENTITY Dummy = EngFun.ent_create("dummy.mdl", new Vector(0, 0, 0), null);
MySky.z.IntValue += 30;

That's why you should use implicit casting with care, as it ALWAYS creates a new object and DOESN'T modify the existing object !

Another thing that i need to mention is that if one writes :
Var xxx = null;
int z = xxx;

normally implicit casting would fail here, that's why null is casted to 0 (like in lite-c). That means that the code above will result in :
z = 0

And as already mentioned, one can still only use explicit casting like with the previous versions!

Last edited by Stromausfall; 08/17/09 06:29.

get the C# wrapper:
for A7.85.4 and A8.30.4, Version 2.3.9
at http://acknexwrapper2.matthias-auer.net/ or visit the thread