i wil try to explain it as easy as i can but i am not realy a pro in multieplayer

first i create a server + client (whiteout the client it doesnt seem to being able to control the entities)

then startup the client

then when finshed al the loading stuff, send a var id of the client to the server(this maby needs to send some time after each other until it get reset by the server)

after that the server checks the id and creates a model and send only to that client the var back white NULL(stops looping the client voor sending the request)

the model wil need to know wich client has created him
so take there the skill and give him that idd and update his skill

now you will need some controlling of the entitie by just adding him to the physics enigne

then you will need to be able to control its thie a device but that wont be that hard because your anet runs the function on each model

just wait until the model skill id isnt 0 anymore and then check if its the client idd else dont be able to control it

i hope you get the idee it wont be the best solution but it works almost every time
